Sync Configuration

Sync is used only when you want to manage the contents of your galleries on your computer alone. It removes your ability to add or remove content in Portfolio.

Portfolio can be configured to sync either the whole library to an external source or just individual galleries and folders.

Whole Library

Syncing the whole library to an external source causes it to mirror the contents of that source as closely as possible. It follows the same rules as gallery and folder syncing but at the library level. Configuration of this is done either by selecting Sync Configuration in the front menu or by tapping the top left button in the manager.


Galleries may be configured to sync either to a specific Dropbox folder or to File Sharing. Configuration of these is done either in the add/edit gallery panel within the manager or by selecting Sync Configuration in the front menu.

  • If you tie a gallery to a folder in your Dropbox, an SFTP server, or to File Sharing, it will mirror every image, video, or PDF file in that folder.
  • It will ignore any files it does not know how to import.
  • It will ignore any other folders within that folder.
  • Files too large to be loaded will be ignored.


Folders may be configured to sync to a specific Dropbox or SFTP folder. Configuration of these is done either in the add/edit gallery panel within the manager or by selecting Sync Configuration in the front menu.

  • Syncing a folder in Portfolio to a folder in your Dropbox or SFTP server will create a hierarchy matching as closely as possible the one in Dropbox.
  • It will classify any sub-folder that contains one or more folders as a new folder it should make.
  • It will classify any sub-folder with no folders as a new gallery it should make.
  • If it is classified as a folder it will ignore any regular files within it.
  • Each added gallery is treated as a synced gallery.
  • Each added folder is recursively treated as a synced folder.

Sync Settings

Items configured for syncing have a few options that can be set in addition to the sync source. They may be configured to sync either automatically at a regular interval all of the item, automatically but only while in the manager, or only when manually synced. They may also be configured to automatically sort added items or to exclude items whose names match any items in a configurable list.

Nested galleries and folders added through syncing have some traditional editing actions disabled as they would just be reverted at the next sync.