Video Customization

Videos can be customized to change the poster frame, loop, and set the start and end times. All of this is done within the video properties panel in the gallery manager.

The video itself can be scrubbed by dragging the handle in the time bar at the top. It can also be played in real time or advanced/rewinded either quickly or frame-by-frame using the controls at the bottom.

Opening the Video Properties

  1. Select the gallery containing the video.
  2. Tap on the thumbnail for the video.
  3. Tap on the third button from the left below the preview.

Changing the Poster Frame

  1. Tap and drag on the poster frame thumbnail. A preview of the selected frame will show.
  2. Tap Save or continue changing other settings.

Changing the Start and End Times

  1. Drag the left arrow in the top thumbnail bar to change the start time or the right arrow to change the end time. This constrains playback to the selected region without permanently trimming the video.
  2. Tap Save or continue changing other settings.

Toggling Looping

  1. Tap the circular arrows to the left of the bottom center.
  2. Tap Save or continue changing other settings.